Thursday, January 28, 2010


So last Monday afternoon, after the rain has finished pouring its might onto us, the lights started flickering and then suddenly.. boom.. Power Outage.

Since I work with technology, I had to run around just to ensure everyone had power down their equipments just to be on the safe side. After doing such thing, I relax and chatted with some of my colleagues. One could clearly see our dependence on electricity this time. Everyone was just out of their offices and just chatting with each other. Well one reason is that the offices are so dark without the lights and the heat is off even though the emergency generator was on. It was cold especially in the place I work because of the non-existence of heat. Now, picture this..what if the world suddenly loss all electrical power??...geez, we have to rely back on firewood for heat and cooking our meal. We wont be able to use any calculators and mathematical machines to do our computing and we would be relying on abacus. Machineries wont work which would result into non existence of fuel to power cars and busses which would revert us back to walking as a means of transportation except of course if you have a bicycle, which could mean everyone would be fit hehehe. We wont have any processed food and instead, we have to rely on natural food which could be good for use as well.  Geez, just imagine this to happen, do you think you will survive?

This is basically almost a re-blog of a post I made 4 years ago. And it is very much through especially when we suffered a power outage last Monday due to severe rain and gale force winds. I did change some of the wording in order to be up to date.

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