Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Once Again

I wrote this for Christmas 2003 and I want to share it with everyone during this Christmas.. 

Christmas Once Again

Its Christmas once more, another season of giving hope and spreading peace all over the world. Some of us are lucky enough to celebrate christmas with our families. Some spend their christmas alone in another country while some loss a loved one. I am sure that someone has a loved one who is in a different country this holiday season. This year saw a lot of families of soldiers spending their Christmas without their brother or father, who are stationed somewhere in the world. They should not be lonely this season but should be glad because their loved ones are on those countries to make sure that we would have a peaceful Holiday season not just for us but for those people who are in that country.

Now losing someone special is a little bit different. Those who lost someone so near the holidays are truly heartbreaking. How can someone celebrate Christmas when you lost someone so close to that date. Will you be able to celebrate it with joy or are you going to be in grief? But I know that the death of my cousin spun a new life somewhere. Remember that each of us will die eventually as like that of Christ who gave up his life for us. When we died, we give life to a newborn and the life cycle goes on and on.

This Christmas is unusual for me. Usually, I would have recieved tons of Christmas Cards from friends and loved ones one week before Christmas. So far, I have recieved..umm...two. Well, its actually one becuase the other one was from a company that I'm buying stuff from. But I don't really mind. This has happened to me a couple times already especially when I was a kid who always recieved only A gift during Christmas. I mean we are always taught about the saying "It's better to give than to recieve" and I truly believe in that saying. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experience this but just keep in mind that you always put a smile on someone's face everytime you give them something especially in this holiday season.

So this Christmas, whether you recieve tons of cards and gifts or you recieve none. Whether you are with you family or you are alone. Just always remember that Christmas is not about just giving gifts but its about celebrating the birth of Christ and spreading happiness. Call your friends who you havent talk for awhile, I'm sure they would be glad to hear from you. Call those loved ones who are in a different country. Give something to those who are in need and you will make them happy and seeing someone happy would uplift your spirit this Christmas season. Merry Christmas to all and have a Prosperous New Year.

12/25/03 12:00AM

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

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