Sunday, March 21, 2010

Taking a break.. once in awhile

We tend to let work control our lives. Its the truth - from the time we wake up until we go to sleep, our minds just think about work. Even if we try to do something else, our mind is still glued to work.

Its pretty understandable why we would think about work with the current state of the economy.  We are all afraid that if we don't put too much effort on our jobs that we would be let go by the company. The ripple effect of losing a job is tremendous especially if family is involved.

But thinking and working all the time is not good for your body, mind and spirit. And you end up hurting yourself more. You feel tired which means you will be either cranky or just don't have the energy to do anything at the end of the night. You feel like you are out of touch with your family and friends especially when they are out having fun and you are at work because you decided to work late at night.

I was too dedicated to work that I haven't gone to a vacation for the past five years. At first, I was feeling fine because I feel like I am accomplishing a lot of my tasks and projects. And I was getting all the accolades that I could get. But after awhile, I could feel that my body was slowing down, my brain wasn't as sharp as it use to and I was getting stressed more and more that it was greatly affecting my health.

So I finally took a vacation and came back with a clear mind and eagerness to work again. And I feel more lighter in the sense the my brain has recharge itself (even though the place I went wasn't really for relaxing) and ready to go back to work. And my body does not feel as heavy as it use too.

So take a break - it will do you good - not only for your mind but also your spirit.

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