I use to blog a lot (literally).. but the past three months, I have been inundated by work and social life that the purpose of coming home was to head to bed and get the needed snooze before embarking on another quest for the day. And with the advent of twitter, who needs to blog anymore.
I did realize the blogging was a way for me for get my thoughts out - my say on things that cannot be truly explained in 140 characters or else. My other blog (chiemps.bravejournal.com) is still out there since I haven't decide what to do with it yet. I might just closed it since I had good fond memories of that blog - its like moving on...stepping on another level. The last line is not true since a blog is a blog.
So hopefully I will be able to get back into blogging - and hopefully get the habit of writing again.
We shall see...